image/svg+xmlPrivacy PolicyLAST UPDATE: February 27, 2023provide our Application to you, to analyze and improve our Application, and tocommunicate with you. This Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) covers our treatment ofthe personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) that we gather when youFrom time to time, we may revise or amend this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in law,our personal data collection and use practices, the features of the Application, oradvances in technology. This Privacy Policy does not cover the practices of entities wedon’t own or control, or people we don’t manage.1. Who we areOur Privacy Policy applies to our and all services we offer, but excludes any products,applications or services that have separate privacy policies which do not incorporatethis Privacy Policy. For the purposes of data protection laws of the United States (“US”)(i.e., the company who is responsible for, and controls the processing of, your personaldata).1TermiPass ( “we”, “our” or “us”) collects information about you from various sources toand the European Union (“EU”) (“Data Protection Laws”), TermiPass is a data controlleraccess or use our services, currently offered at TermiPass Application (the “Application”).
image/svg+xml2. Information we collect and for what purposeWe gather various types of Personal Information from our users and Application visitors,and we use this Personal Information internally for a variety of purposes, including butnot limited to business reasons, marketing, Application maintenance and statistics, andresearch and product development.Information you provide – when you interact with our Application you mayvoluntarily provide us with Personal Information, such as your name (includingbusiness entity name), date of birth, postal address, email address, phonenumber, physical location and trading activity. You may provide this PersonalInformation to us when you contact us, create an account with us, inquire aboutcareers with us, or request information about our Application. You may providethis Personal Information to us directly or through third-party identity verificationservices or social media. We may also request and collect additionaldocumentation to support and verify the Personal Information you provide,including: identification documents such as passports, drivers’ licenses ornational identification cards; official letters and statements proving place ofresidence; and self-portrait photographs.Information Automatically Collected – we may also automatically collect othertechnical information about your use and interaction with our Application, whichmay be collected through cookies, web beacons and other similar technology as2
image/svg+xmldescribed in Section 5 (how we use cookies and other tracking technology tocollect information).3. How we collect informationTo the extent permissible under applicable Data Protection Laws, we collect informationabout you and any other party whose details you provide to us when you:Access or use our Application;Create an account with our Application;Complete online forms (including call back requests), take part in surveys, poston any forums, download information such as white papers or other publicationsor participate in any other interactive areas that appear within our Application;Interact with us using social media;Provide your contact details to us when registering to use or access any serviceswe make available or when you update those details; andContact us or otherwise connect with us, online or offline.We will also collect your information where you only partially complete and/or abandonany information inputted into our Application and/or other online forms and may use thisinformation to contact you to remind you to complete any outstanding information and/orfor marketing purposes.3
image/svg+xmlWe may also collect information from your devices (including mobile devices) andapplications you or your users use to access and use our Application (for example, wemay collect the device identification number and type, location information andconnection information such as statistics on your page views, traffic to and from thesites, referral URL, ad data, your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your browsing historyand your web log information) and we will ask for your permission before we do so. Wemay do this using cookies or similar technologies (as described in Section 5 below).If you intend to give us Personal Information about someone else, you are responsiblefor ensuring that you comply with any obligation and consent obligations underapplicable Data Protections Laws. Insofar as required by applicable Data ProtectionLaws, you must ensure that beforehand you have their explicit consent to do so and thatyou explain to them how we collect, use, disclose and retain their Personal Information,or direct them to read our Privacy Policy.4. How we use your informationTo the extent permissible under Data Protection Laws, we use your information to:Provide any information or services that you have requested or ordered;Compare information for accuracy and to verify it with third parties;Provide, maintain, protect and improve our Application;Manage, monitor, and administer your use of the Application and provide anenhanced, personal, user experience;4
image/svg+xmlManage our relationship with you (for example, customer services and technicalsupport activities);Undertake internal testing of our Application or systems to test and improve theirsecurity and performance (in these circumstances, we would de-identify anyinformation used for such testing purposes);Provide you with any information that we are required to send you to comply withour regulatory or legal obligations;Comply with applicable Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Launderingregulations;Detect, prevent, investigate or remediate, crime, illegal or prohibited activities orto otherwise protect our legal rights (including liaison with regulators and lawenforcement agencies for these purposes);Contact you to see if you would like to take part in our customer research (forexample, feedback on your use of our applications, products and services);Monitor, carry out statistical analysis and benchmarking (provided that in suchcircumstances it is on an aggregated basis which will not be linked back to you orany living individual);Deliver advertising, marketing (including in-product messaging) or informationwhich may be useful to you; andDeliver joint content and services with third parties with whom you have aseparate relationship (for example, social media providers).In addition to the commercial uses listed above, we may be required to provide any andall of your Personal Information to governmental authorities as necessary to comply withthe law. To the extent required by Data Protection Laws, or where we have a legitimate5
image/svg+xmland lawful purpose for doing so, we retain information about you after your withdrawalof funds from the Application, the closure of your account, if your application for anaccount is declined or if you decide not to proceed with the application.Our Application may contain technology that enables us to:Check specific information from your device or systems directly relevant to youruse of the websites, applications or Application against our records to make surethe Application services are being used in accordance with our end-useragreements and to troubleshoot any problems;Obtain information relating to any technical errors or other issues with ourApplication;Collect information about how you use the features of our Application; andGather statistical information about the operating system and environment fromwhich you access our Application.In addition to the purposes described in this section 4, we may also use information wegather to deliver targeted and interest-based advertising, marketing (includingin-product messaging) or information to you which may be useful, based on your use ofthe Application or any other information we have about you (depending on theApplication, you may able to configure these features to suit your preferences).6
image/svg+xml5. How we use cookies and other tracking technology tocollect informationCookies are small text files which are transferred from our Application and stored onyour device. We use cookies to provide personalized service, and to help make ourApplication easier for you to access. Our cookies may be; 1) temporary session cookies(cookies that identify and track users within our Application that are deleted when youclose your browser or leave your session in the application or service); or, 2) persistentcookies (cookies that enable our Application to “remember” who you are and toremember your preferences within our Application and which will stay on your computeror device after you close your browser or leave your session in the applicable Service).We use the following different types of cookies:Strictly necessary cookies - these cookies are needed for our Application tofunction properly, for example, these cookies allow you to access secure areas ofour Application.Performance cookies and analytics technologies - these non-identifying cookiescollect statistics about how visitors interact with our Application, for instancewhich functionality visitors use most often, and if they get error messages fromareas of the websites, applications or Application.7
image/svg+xmlFunctionality cookies - these cookies allow our Application to remember choicesyou make (such as your username, language or region) and allow us to provideenhanced personalized features.Targeting or advertising cookies - these cookies are used to deliver advertstailored to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of timesyou see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of anadvertising campaign. They are usually placed by advertising networks with ourpermission.Web beacons and parameter tracking – we use cookies and similar softwareknown as web beacons to count users who visit our Application after clickingthrough from our advertisements on other websites or in emails. These webbeacons collect limited information which does not identify particular individuals.It is not possible to refuse the use of web beacons. However, because they areused in conjunction with cookies, you can effectively disable them by setting yourbrowser to restrict or block cookies.IP Address and traffic data – we keep a record of traffic data which is loggedautomatically by our servers, such as your IP address, device information, thewebsite that you visited before ours and the website you visit after leaving ourApplication. We also collect some site, application and service statistics such asaccess rates, page hits and page views. We are not able to identify any individualfrom traffic data or site statistics.Google Analytics – Google Analytics uses cookies to help the Applicationanalyze how visitors use our services. The information generated by the cookiewill be transmitted to, and stored by, Google, on servers in the United States.Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the8
image/svg+xmlApplication by compiling reports on website activity for website operators andproviding other reports relating to website activity and internet usage. Googlemay also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law,or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Googlewill not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. To find outmore, see “How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps,”(located,or any other URL Googlemay provide from time to time).If necessary to comply with applicable law, we will ask for your consent to use cookieson your device. Once your consent has been provided, this message will not appearagain when you revisit. If you, or another user of your computer, wish to withdraw yourconsent at any time, you can do so by altering your browser settings.6. How we use mobile dataWe may obtain information through mobile applications that you install on your mobiledevices to access and use our Application. These mobile applications may be our ownmobile applications or those belonging to third parties. Where the mobile applicationbelongs to a third party, you must read their privacy policy as it will apply to your use ofthat third-party mobile application. We are not responsible for such third-party mobileapplications and their use of your Personal Information.9
image/svg+xml7. How we share your informationWe intend to keep your data and information confidential, in compliance with our legalobligations. We may share your information with, where permitted by applicable law:Our corporate family, affiliates and subsidiaries;Our service providers and agents (including their sub-contractors) or third partieswhich process information on our behalf (e.g. internet service and platformproviders, payment processing providers and those organizations we engage tohelp us send communications to you);Partners, including system implementers, resellers, value-added resellers,independent software vendors and developers;Third parties used to facilitate payment transactions, for example clearinghouses, clearing systems, financial institutions and transaction beneficiaries;Third parties where you have a relationship with that third party and you haveconsented to us sending information (for example social media sites or otherthird-party application providers);Third parties for marketing purposes;Third party credit reference and fraud prevention agencies;Third parties to enforce our legal rights and satisfy our legal obligations, includingwithout limitation any reporting or disclosure obligations under applicable law orregulations or subpoena, court order or other judicial or administrative process,or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is legally required or otherwise10
image/svg+xmlnecessary to protect our rights and property, or the rights, property or safety ofothers;Third parties to comply with the rules, regulations and guidelines of the paymentnetworks in which transactions are processed;Our professional advisors and auditors for the purpose of seeking professionaladvice or to meet our audit responsibilities;Third parties to transfer information and/or assets in the event of a joint venture,collaboration, financing, merger, acquisition, sale, bankruptcy filing, change oflegal form or other corporate restructuring;Another organization to whom we may transfer our agreement with you; andThird parties for any other purpose permitted under applicable law and regulationor agreed to in this Privacy Policy or disclosed at the time the information iscollected.If you follow a link from our Application to another site or service, this Privacy Policy willno longer apply. We are not responsible for the information handling practices ofthird-party sites or Application and we encourage you to read the privacy noticesappearing on those sites or Application.8. Legal basis for processing in the EUIn the EU, we collect your personal data for the following purposes:11
image/svg+xmlWhere necessary to perform any contract we enter into, or have entered into,with you to provide services or access to our Application;Where necessary for our legitimate business interests (or those of a third party)and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests; andWhere we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation in the EU.If you require details about the specific legal basis we are relying on to process yourpersonal data please contact us at[email protected].9. How we store and protect your informationWe will endeavor to keep your information secure by taking appropriate technical andorganizational measures against its unauthorized or unlawful processing and against itsaccidental loss, destruction or damage. We will take commercially reasonable steps toprotect your Personal Information but we cannot guarantee the security of yourinformation which is transmitted to our Application or to other website, applications andApplication via an internet or similar connection.For individuals based in the EU or Switzerland, we store personal data for as long asnecessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collect the data (see above under"Information we collect and for what purpose"), except if required otherwise by DataProtection Laws. Please note that we may transfer information, including PersonalInformation, to a country and jurisdiction that does not have the same Data ProtectionLaws as your jurisdiction, and you consent to the transfer of information to the U.S. or12
image/svg+xmlany other country in which we or our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates or service providersmaintain facilities and the use and disclosure of information about you as described inthis Privacy Policy.If you believe your account has been compromised, please contact us at[email protected].10. Your choicesa. Personal InformationYou may provide us with instructions on what to do with your Personal Information.Users have choices and control over their Personal Information. Where we need tocollect Personal Information and you fail to provide that data when requested, we mayhave to close your account and/or block your access to the Application. Since yourchoices and instructions may result in loss of access to the Application and services,please review your options carefully.b. Other informationIf you have any questions about your Personal Information, our use of this PersonalInformation, or your rights when it comes to any of the foregoing, contact us at[email protected].13
image/svg+xmlc. Your rights in respect to your Personal Information if you arelocated in the EU or SwitzerlandIf you are located in the EU or Switzerland, you have the following rights in respect tothe Personal Information that we hold:Right of access – the right to obtain access to your personal data;Right to rectification – the right to obtain rectification of your Personal Informationwithout undue delay where the data is inaccurate or incomplete;Right to erasure – the right to obtain the erasure of your Personal Informationwithout undue delay in certain circumstances, such as where the data is nolonger necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected orprocessed;Right to restriction – the right to restrict data processing undertaken by us onyour Personal Information in certain circumstances, such as where the accuracyof the personal data is contested by you, for a period enabling us to verify theaccuracy of that personal data;Right to portability – the right to portability allows you to move, copy or transferPersonal Information easily from one organization to another; and,Right to object – you have a right to object to data processing based onlegitimate interests and direct marketing.Right to withdraw consent – you have a right to withdraw your consent to ourprocessing your data. If you exercise this right, we may not be able to provideservices to you.14
image/svg+xmlIf you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us at[email protected]and we will respond within 30 days of the request. If you request access to yourpersonal data, we will provide all information to you by email in addition to contextregarding data use. If you request erasure of your personal data, we will respond with aconfirmation of erasure by email within 30 days of the request. If your request isdeemed unfounded and/or excessive, under the GDPR we retain the right to refuse torespond to the request or to charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearlyunfounded, repetitive, or excessive. If we refuse to respond, or charge a reasonable fee,we will provide our reasons for doing so. If you are not satisfied with the reasons, youmay complain to the relevant supervisory authority, the Information CommissionersOffice.If you feel your Personal Information has been inappropriately handled, you can lodge acomplaint to your local data protection authority. Further information about how tocontact your local data protection authority is available at Other ChoicesIn addition, the browser you use may provide the ability to control cookies or other typesof local data storage. We do not control these choices, or default settings, which areoffered by makers of your browser.15
image/svg+xml11. Changes to our privacy policyWe may change our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will update this Privacy Policyon our website, so please try to read it when you visit the website (the ‘last modified’reference tells you when we last updated our Privacy Policy).12. Further InformationIf you have any queries about how we treat your information, the contents of this notice,your rights under local law, how to update your records or how to obtain a copy of theinformation that we hold about you, please email us at[email protected], subjectline: “Data protection officer” in the subject header.16